DEEP GREEN low-footprint living laboratory

(The following is something I wrote up to share with one of our sister neighborhood watch groups. For some reason I never got around to it but I’m sharing it here.) #deepgreen #PR

Besides doing physical experiments in rainwater harvesting, heat mitigation, stormwater absorption & other aspects of sustainable living, we at DG LFLL also use our creative brains to hatch all sorts of wild ideas. Some recent figments of our imagination include turning the entire city into a giant waterpark fed by rainwater; and building a pirate-themed townhouse complex with canals instead of streets, where a pirate boat would operate all day as a shuttle service for residents. And planting trellis-tunnels of muscadine grapes over the sidewalks to provide shade and grapes to everyone.

I consider myself a self-appointed, freelance, volunteer public servant, serving our historic core neighborhoods on beachside and mainland, and I am here to support you with information and other resources.

I also have an eco landscaping business. My service territory is my immediate neighborhood. My vehicle is a handcart, and I work with small handtools.

Being able to do landscaping with just a hand cart and a few tools makes it a more accessible occupation for teens, elders, and others who might not have a big truck and fancy mechanized equipment.
I organize free mini workshops for locals who want to get into eco-landscaping, whether full-time or as a value added to your existing yard business.

Eco landscaping benefits all of us by mitigating heat, absorbing stormwater, and reducing our electric bills. It can also provide delicious fresh food, and it supports beneficial wildlife.