Eco landscaping business PR copy; anyone reading this you are welcome to use, adapt to your needs/circumstances. (Post with pics in the Transformative Adventures group: )
My work “truck” has been very busy for the past few days! Working on some boutique projects that will become a key addition to my landscaping services portfolio.
For the project I am gathering valuable materials that someone else thinks are “trash” (but they are too lengthy for waste collection to pick up — fortunately for me as it has bought me a few days’ time for this large collection endeavor!).
Main tools for preparing cut bamboo to transport smoothly and utilize easily:
scissors, loppers, mini saw … and of course my ever-trusty cup of coffee (from one of the scrappy, stalwart beachside bodegas that are situated within walking distance of DG headquarters AKA Harvey House).
#boutiqueproject #trellis #fabulousbamboo #DeepGreen #ecolandscapingservices #spongecity #puffylandscaping
“DEEP GREEN landscaping services: Doing my part to reverse desertification of the barrier island and reduce the flooding in Midtown … one little Beachside yard at a time!”