(Example of building community and inviting beneficial connections by 1) creating amenities for the public at the “sidewalk edge” (now there’s an urban ecotone for ya!) and 2) publicizing it to one’s neighborhood watch group — both online and in person. You can see the original post with photos and captions here, in my neighborhood watch’s Facebook group.)
Greetings Neighbors!
As I have mentioned in my “jenny’s corner” talks at the BNW and Midtown Neighborhood Watch meetings, jenny’s corner is an actual physical location that you can visit.
I consider myself a freelance, grassroots, volunteer public servant of the City of Daytona Beach, and I’m here to serve you with information, resources, and encouragement. 
501 Harvey Ave.
On the beachside, one block south of Main Street, at the northeast corner of Harvey and S. Oleander. 
IMPORTANT: If you visit, please come to the FRONT door! You’ll see a trellis archway and a lavender-pink mailbox. That is the front entrance. You can walk up and knock on the front door, or you can try just calling out to me. If you don’t get an answer right away, text me.
Please do NOT walk up the driveway or call out there; that area is personal space and quiet area for my housemates.
If you stop by and don’t see me, and/or you want to talk in realtime, call/text 512-619-5363 (text tends to reach me more quickly, and I can respond more quickly).
Photo captions:
(You can see the photos by visiting the original post; link above.)
• 501 house is a demonstration site for solar cooking and pasteurization. We also are a demo site for rainwater harvesting, heat mitigation, stormwater absorption, and other essential features of a sustainable, resilient urban community.
• 501 House is a demonstration site for what I refer to as “puffy landscaping”: Native plants and other environmentally friendly plants, mulch, and other elements that provide shade, food, pollinator sanctuary, wildlife habitat, beauty, and other benefits. Recently I have been helping my neighbors ensure that their puffy landscaping looks deliberately maintained, so that Code Compliance knows it is not a neglected yard. There are many ways to show that a yard is deliberately maintained. For example, as shown here, you can make borders using rocks or logs. Stepping-stones are also a nice indicator of a loved yard.
• Example of a driveway and garage that are freed up for uses other than car parking. (Note, the driveway is a residents’ entrance, no public access. Thanks for respecting our personal space.)
Literacy activism: From 2013 till early 2023, I operated a curbside Little Free Library at my residence. A few months ago I finally shut the library down because it had become exhausting. (Mainly because of two things: book-hoarding, and the other extreme, huge unwanted bulk donations that blocked the sidewalk, left books out in the weather, and just generally created a neighborhood nuisance). However, today I felt strongly called to re-open the library, and will simply be insistent about asking for the help I need. Warning: if you open your mouth to complain about the library without offering help, as so many people have done in the past, I am likely to give you a task to do. I do not mean to sound grumpy. Books and literacy are a great passion of mine, and I consider it more important now than ever to offer books to everyone. This Little Free Library is truly a ministry. But I cannot do it alone; no one can. By the way, there are tens of thousands of Little Free Libraries in countries throughout the world. Little Free Library at 501 Harvey is charter #9278. For more information, including info on how to set up your own library, visit littlefreelibrary.org
• Example of calling on neighbors for help managing the library. This notice is intended for people who are on foot, and who live in the neighborhood, and who regularly pass by the library on foot. I have learned that these are essential attributes for a neighborhood library maintenance team.