The dreaded “TP Shortages” are back! And shortages of some other everyday household supplies too. Once again, “the most sought-after items at grocery and department stores this pandemic-impacted holiday season is — again — cleaning supplies, paper towels, and yes, toilet paper.” (Article in Daytona Beach News-Journal.)
But you don’t have to be affected! Here is my DEEP GREEN take on those shortages:
Once again, we have shortages. … And once again, all three items are STILL things a person can do without!
• Cleaning supplies –> Instead use water, elbow-grease, bit of baking soda & vinegar, drop of essential oil for scent if you like.
• Paper towels –> Never buy em again!! cloth rags are free, reusable, and far superior in terms of absorbency. Tear up old worn-out clothes & towels, and voilà! Endless supply of multipurpose household cloths.
• TP –> many North Americans are “discovering” a great thing that folks in other parts of the world have known about all along: bidets, or bidet-bottles! (I have posted about the latter, as have many others — look up “bidet bottle” or, as they are called in some countries/cultures, “Lota”). For wiping remaining water off the skin afterward, many people use washable “toilet cloth,” which is far easier on the skin than paper TP. Easier on trees too! Toilet cloth can be made by cutting up old sheets, old cloth napkins, etc.
To me, this “second wave” of shortages serves as a reminder of how liberating it is to have so many categories of stuff that we simply don’t need to buy! #FreedomFromPanicBuying
I have blogged about all these topics, and you can type keywords into the search field of my blog. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, or if you have questions after reading, give me a shout! I’m here for you!
Remember, one of the best ways to be instantly wealthy is to learn ways to just not need as much, while still having abundance. I am always here to help!