“Why should we reduce … ?” (Part 2)

In part one of this post, I gave the moral and ecological reasons why we should adopt voluntary radical reduction. Or what I call a deep green lifestyle, or low-footprint living.

Here, I will give the secret juice that keeps me doing it. Actually, it shouldn’t be such a secret anymore since I have been talking about it for decades, as are many others who are on a voluntary thrift path.

But, many of my fellow environmentalists still insist on perceiving me as somehow virtuous and making so many sacrifices, so I need to try again here to put that harmful myth to rest.

The truth — what some of you keep missing, that I have been trying to tell you for the better part of two decades now — is that I get IMMENSE personal benefits from my voluntary radical reduction.

And all others I know of who are on the same path, living their own version of a “voluntary radical reduction” lifestyle, also consistently report that they are getting immense intrinsic personal benefits.

Yes, there are some aspects that might technically be considered sacrifices, but the sacrifice aspect is so tiny in comparison with the benefits that it’s almost misleading to even bring it up.

I don’t know if it’s just not getting through to you, or if you are willfully misunderstanding, out of fear that you will somehow be trapped if you try this voluntary radical reduction lifestyle. All I can say at this point is you need to try it yourself to believe how great it is.

Because if, after all this time, you are still looking at me and thinking I am somehow deprived or suffering or a martyr or “so good” or “so virtuous” or “so admirable” (words typically spoken in wistful tones, accompanied by wrung hands and dewy manga-character eyes), you are really not paying attention!

The truth is, I have way, way too much fun, and way, way too much pleasure; more than any human being should be allowed to have(according to the dour, lockdown standpoint of our consumer capitalist society). I mean, I really really have a blast in life. And a blessed life! Everyone else I know who’s embarked on their own version of this path would say the same.

My book and this blog, and my personalized talks and workshops, can help you craft your own personalized version of a “voluntary radical reduction” lifestyle. And once you get into it, it is self-reinforcing because YOU will be getting so many personal benefits. And you will start getting them immediately.

I don’t know how many times I will have to repeat that for some of you to get it, but I will keep repeating it as long I need to. 

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General note: This blog presents topics as they occur to me. Typically in rambling fashion. If you would prefer a more focused, organized document, read my book DEEP GREEN. It’s available to read for free on this site. There are also, at any given time, usually a few print copies available as well. I believe I still have 15 or so copies left from my last micro print run. DEEP GREEN book is available exclusively by ordering direct through me.

Also, I am available to give talks for your neighborhood association, community, church, club, or other group. My talks are by Zoom or equivalent, so I’m available to you wherever you’re located. For more information, click on “talks and appearances” in the menu for this site. Contact me and we’ll set a date!