Nurturing neighborhood connections

The following post is an example of my ongoing efforts to foster neighborhood cohesiveness. You can see the original post, with photos, here in our public Facebook group BNW News. (BNW stands for Beachside neighborhood watch.) I offer this as example and encouragement to all of you, as you go about your efforts to build community in your place. As I’m fond of saying, it’s the little things that make a difference and add up.

Hanging out with a friend/neighbor, coffee /tea, and her dogs in the sweet little neighborhood park that’s on Oleander just south of Main Street. Huge thank you to Daytona Beach public works who really upgraded this little jewel of a neighborhood park. We should try to have a little neighborhood coffee gathering here again like we did a few years back with the solar oven and the baked goods and such. We all had such a good time that morning.

And regarding the photo of a jar of coffee beans, no that is not what I am drinking lol. It’s just that Gus who roasts and grinds the beans was coming to my house to make to deliver but I was down the street at this park so he very graciously drop them off to me at the park. Isn’t that nice! If you haven’t experienced a jar of Gus’s exquisitely fresh-roasted beans yet and you are a coffee fan, I highly recommend it! 

(Many of you will know Gus from his performances at the sons of the beach fundraisers and other local events. He’s very talented musician and also has a yard that is like a bamboo park! )

All of us neighbors have a lot of different talents and a lot to share. The more we share with each other, the more we can support each other, buy things from each other, build beneficial network, re-weave the social fabric that has become damaged over the years in our city, as it has across the USA. We are the ones who can make it happen!

And all of the above is relevant to my post about this little jewel of a park.
