My art & design page

If you’re the kind of person who likes to explore your creative inclinations while celebrating and protecting life on our beautiful planet, you might enjoy following my page Art & Design by Jenny Nazak (on Facebook) if you aren’t already! It’s a public page and you might not need a Facebook account to access it.

It’s a mix of my own creative efforts, beautiful artwork and creativity from other people. Media range from landscaping to sewing to painting to DIY upcycling and more.

And of course I sprinkle in ecosocial activism elements, because I don’t believe I can separate activism from my artwork, nor want to.

Here’s a recent post:

When you’ve entered a phase of your fashion life that takes “shabby chic” to new heights (or depths haha), right when the most uber-upscale glossy magazines are showing designer-ripped, artfully stained t-shirts and distressed jeans for $700 or $3,000 …

#lifeisgood #livinthedream #myfashioncareer #ecostyle #landfilldiversion

And such a delightful afternoon at Marina’s place for high tea with 10 or 15 other women! Ended up being good business networking too.
@golden magnolia marine resort

PS. My hat was borrowed from Marina’s vintage collection which she keeps on hand for guests. Necklace purchased from her reasonably priced vintage boutique collection a few months back. Earrings: Paparazzi.

Sorry, in order to see the photos you’ll have to check out the post on my Facebook page.

And here’s the overall page link. Page name is Art & Design by Jenny Nazak. I appreciate any Likes and follows.