Some people still think (wish) that all we have to do is just “switch over” to renewables. But we need renewables PLUS conservation. Extreme reduction will be key. Those of us who have learned how to radically reduce our consumption (of fuel directly; and also indirectly by minimizing consumption of “stuff” to the extent that we are able) — because pretty much all “stuff” in our world contains embodied energy of fossil fuels — can do a great service by sharing what we have learned.
The IEA is urging people to save fuel, drive less amid Russia crisis ( I say we need to make the cutbacks permanent (all of us who are able and willing, that is).
From the article: “Advanced economies could reduce their daily oil demand by 2.7 million barrels within four months by following a 10-step plan, the IEA said. That would significantly ease looming supply strains by almost offsetting the 3 million barrel-a-day loss of Russian production the agency anticipates for April. … The IEA’s plan to curtail oil demand includes lower speed limits for cars, urging people to work from home, placing occasional limits on car access to city centers, making public transport cheaper, encouraging carpooling, and greater use of high-speed rail and virtual meetings instead of air travel.”
Sounds like the unfortunate determination of some “leaders” to get the world into a big war is handing us a golden opportunity.
Sort of like the pandemic shutdown handed us a golden opportunity. Hmm …
On a relevant note, Finland and the Baltic countries are taking a bold stance on the energy aspect of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, even though it will mean considerable sacrifice.
“‘As long as we are purchasing energy from Russia, we are financing the war, and this is the big problem that we have,’ Finland Prime Minister Sanna Marin said. She was joined by Baltic leaders in demanding swift action. We have to continue to isolate Putin’s economy – Russia’s economy – to stop the money flowing into the war machine,’ Latvian Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins told reporters. ‘The most logical place to move forward is in oil and coal.’ … Karins said the Ukraine war was a prime example where morals should trump money. Despite Latvia’s “high dependency on Russian oil and gas,” businesses support a halt to trade in these goods, he said. … Greenpeace has accused the European Union of bankrolling Russia’s war by continuing to purchase its energy supplies. ‘Fossil fuels have a history of being connected with conflict and war – wherever they come from, governments must phase them out as quickly as possible, not look for new suppliers,’ Greenpeace EU director Jorgo Riss said.” (EU agrees on Russia sanctions so far, but energy divides it
Belgian PM: ‘We are not at war with ourselves’; Raf Casert and Samuel Petrequin, ASSOCIATED PRESS; in Daytona Beach News-Journal, March 25, 2022).