“Food shortages.” A phrase no one likes to hear.
I have had forebodings my whole life that “something” was going to happen, and I feel like I’ve been mentally preparing for “it” my whole life.
Like a lot of you, I’m concerned that my local community is not well prepared physically (OR emotionally) for food shortages, water shortages, or whatever else. I speak at my neighborhood group, city meetings, churches, etc about various aspects of preparedness/resilience and of necessity, I try to do “triage” which right now for me is trying to get people to collect rainwater, turn their yards into “water sponge”, etc. If we can slow down/reverse the parching of our landscape we can grow food.
Also I’m trying to get people to see the connection between our landscaping practices and the health of our waterways. Since I live between the ocean and a major navigable river, fish can be a major food source here if we repair the damage we’ve done to the ecosystem.
I also try to show, to anyone who will listen, the wild edible plants growing all around here.
Lately to spread the message I’m starting to do humorous talks about the zombie apocalypse. Also I’m gatting back into arts & crafts, but I am setting out to use only “scavenged” ingredients. (Making bags out of canvas from discarded beach chairs etc). All of this is tiny but raises awareness in a fun way and helps people cultivate a more resilient, can-do attitude.
I also do mindfulness practices and spend time in nature and strengthen my spiritual faith — all of which helps me to focus, stay present & avoid going down rabbit-holes of despair which I am prone to do if not careful.
Here is a post I made to my neighborhood watch group’s Facebook page today:
Downtown Daytona Beach Farmers Market closed today due to forecast of severe weather … No problem! I can pick fresh greens & herbs from my little “freedom cube” garden, and also the neighborhood is filled with tasty wild spring edible greens (that some people dismiss as “weeds” but many of us know better)! I can also knock on the door of the house down the street with the really prolific loquat tree, introduce myself to the new owner and ask if they’ll let me pick some fruit (the previous owner was fine with it). And I can go visit my other friend/neighbor’s magnificent mulberry tree!
Downtown Daytona Beach Farmers Market closed today due to forecast of severe weather … No problem! I can pick fresh greens & herbs from my little “freedom cube” garden, and also the neighborhood is filled with tasty wild spring edible greens (that some people dismiss as “weeds” but many of us know better)! I can also knock on the door of the house down the street with the really prolific loquat tree, introduce myself to the new owner and ask if they’ll let me pick some fruit (the previous owner was fine with it). And I can go visit my other friend/neighbor’s magnificent mulberry tree!
Check out this mini vid & other snippets on my Tiktok video channel. (I show pics of my “freedom cube” garden and some foraged green booty (wild plantain – yum!.)
For anyone who might be interested in learning more about this topic: I offer talks & presentations in person and by Zoom, free to the community, to help boost our household & neighborhood food security, water security, and energy-independence!! Building a resilient community is a team effort and I am here to help.