How To Tell Our Neighbors To Stop Using R0und:up (and All Other ‘Cides)?

I usually have mixed feelings about sharing articles that are focused on glyph0s@te. Glyph0s@te is something we need to quit using … along with all other herbicides and pesticides.

Articles focused only on G might tempt people to think it’s the only bad ‘cide, and as long as we just ban that one we will be fine. No.

For a window in human history, ‘cides seemed like the ultimate “get out of jail free” card. But as we learn about the soil-food web, the importance of biodiversity, and the ripple effects of ‘cides on pollinators and birds and aquatic/marine life and all the way up the food chain back to us, it has become clear that the tradeoffs are not worth it.

This article focused on G but it also gives a good summary of the history of ‘cides in general.

“The EPA doesn’t always scrutinize studies or revisit the science that has been accepted for 10 or 20 years, and the federal agency is ‘often unable to stand up to the intense pressures from powerful agrochemical companies, which spend tens of millions of dollars on lobbying each year and employ many former EPA scientists once they leave the agency’ … “

This article “How Do I Tell My Neighbor To Stop Using R—d-p? is well worth reading and keeping as a reference for talking-points. Please share widely to anyone who might be receptive to the message. Send it to your local government if the government and its contractors in your area are still using ‘cides!

#StopTheSpray #NoMoreCides

Further Reading:

• “How You Treat Your Yard Affects the Indian River Lagoon” (and, I would add, every other body of water, wherever you are, as this is a nationwide and worldwide crisis) (Sally Scalera,, 7/13/2021). I particularly like the tips on building the soil’s capacity to hold water and nutrients. “If every yard, landscape and garden was growing in soil that had at least 5% organic matter, just think of how much rainfall and irrigation would be soaked up and held in the soil. So, not only does the IRL <and insert name of your lake, canal, lagoon, ocean, river, other local body of water> receive stormwater runoff from all the impervious surfaces within the watershed, but even the surrounding soil isn’t helping.”

• “7 Simple Secrets to a Great Lawn — Without Using Chemicals and Sprays” (OldWorldGardenFarms). Easiest tip: Mow high! No lower than 3.5 or 4 inches. A friend of mine even swapped out his mower wheels so he could keep his lawn mowed at 6″! It was a lush shag-carpet, gorgeous green and chemical-free. (Then he moved into a different house, where he turned his yard into a lush micro forest with little ponds and bridges and winding trails; it is paradise for wildlife and humans alike.)