“The Life Cycle
“Each stage we go through has its time of fulfillment and recession, as do all living things. …
“When we can appreciate the full beauty of each stage of the cycle of life, from bud to blossom to disintegration, we feel more at home with our own earthly process. We can be inspired not to hold back the fullness of what we have to offer, knowing that our time to give of ourselves in this way will come to pass. At the same time, we can honor others, and the little processes that go on within the larger process of living our lives. …
“Every moment of every stage has its own particular beauty, and we can appreciate that, even as most of us tend to love the spectacular moment of full blossoming most of all. When we feel the wisdom contained in the budding, blossoming, and dissolution of a simple flower, we begin to feel it everywhere, in each moment that comes and goes, in each sunrise and sunset, in every hello and goodbye, as the very essence of the pulsating ebb and flow of existence.”
(Quoted from a beautiful piece via the DailyOM. To read this essay in its entirety, and to sign up for the email newsletter which brings Madisyn Taylor’s writings and other great stuff to your inbox on a steady basis, visit https://www.dailyom.com )