You’ve probably heard the expression “peddling influence” … Well, I just heard a happy story from a friend of mine who pedals influence.
My friend Ms. S., age in her late 60s (guesstimate), is a gardener and grandmother who rides her bicycle to the Y five days a week for yoga and other activities.
We had a mini “visit” by text today. After catching me up on the latest with her sons and new grandbaby, she continued:
“… can’t help mentally shaking my head as I pedal past <local middle school> – especially on a chilly day where car after car idle with parents bringing their kiddos to school…and almost all in the car have their heads bowed to their cellphones…and here I go bundled up with my yoga mat in the back basket whizzing past standing traffic breathing fresh crisp air and lavishing the sun on my face.”
I responded, “You are setting a wonderful, beautiful example! So perfect that your route takes you past the school … you never know who you might influence!”
To which she replied: “Actually had not thought about planting seeds as I pedal..going to start throwing those thoughts out…with smiles…as I pedal…oops…time to don my helmet and go about my mission.”
And then a little later:
“Kids were already in school but as I was pedaling on the sidewalk one car stopped and waited a good while before turning into the entrance so I could go on by…rolled down her window to call out Merry Christmas 😊👏😊 We have so much power in our thoughts!”
Yes indeed we do. Our thoughts and our actions are contagious! For better or for worse! Keep on “pedaling” that influence! Whether your pedal is an actual pedal, or a microphone, or a keyboard, or a shovel, or …