One of the core topics I focus on in this blog is permaculture design. Permaculture is a set of design principles, derived from observing nature, for designing your home and any other aspect of your life to be sustainable. By “sustainable” in permaculture terminology, we mean financially, ecologically, AND socially sustainable. And furthermore, we don’t just mean “net zero damage” to the environment; in permaculture we have a REGENERATIVE focus, seeking to give net benefit to the land and all living creatures, not just human. This may sound like a tall order, but with the basic design principles derived from observation of how nature operates, it is very do-able and indeed ONLY NATURAL. In the posts categorized “permaculture”, I’ll highlight the various permaculture design principles and some very exciting real-world applications, as well as talk about some key figures in the permaculture movement, which is a worldwide, grassroots movement.