Post inaugural suck it up buttercups (pretty please!)

Interestingly, it seems to be the more comfortably-off demographics who give up easily and talk about wanting to leave the country etc.

And acting very theatrically distraught, talking like they are going to be in mourning for four years or whatever.

Even though they (we) are a lot more insulated from classist/racist policies and therefore would be much less likely to come to harm than so many other groups of people.

I think what it is, is that they are used to being able to buy their way out of any adversity, so they have not really developed resilience (including community-building skills).

As far as I’m concerned, it’s just another day, and we will always have work to do. Before inauguration, carry water chop wood. After inauguration, carry water chop wood.
<emoticon of lady shrugging shoulders like “meh, let’s get on with it”> #RideOrDie

Also I am copy-pasting from a FB post I made the other day. In which I expressed strong agreement with somebody who said — with regard to the escalating disasters, and the eroding insurance and government protections from same — that they actually decided to start leaning in to the dangers and hazards (not in a wild and reckless way but in a very methodical and carefully thought out way):

THIS. Same. On so many levels.

I go where I am called. Which is a big part of why I am trying to tell my fellow white boomers to stop this escape stuff. “Escaping” to other states or other countries where we will be just a bunch of entitled Karen’s. Be here now!

We are not helping anyone by trying to find the best place to escape to. And besides, there really is no place to escape to. Which you know already, if you have been paying attention to the news or even just the weather channel for the past few years or months.

Be with the people you love! Or the land you have developed an affinity for. And if you have neither, just be where you’re at, and really start cultivating community on the ground right now right here.

Please, fellow white boomers, let’s use our resources to help where we are. Sell that second house, cash out your 401k, whatever you need to do. And let’s put some muscle into this. We are all in this together.

Further exploration:

• How perfect. Desireé B Stephens newsletter in my inbox this morning, she is inviting us to 100 days of community. Here’s the link to the live if you’re not able to access them on sub stack. .

Here is an excerpt from Desireé’s newsletter where she introduces the “100 days of community” program:

“I recognize that many people, particularly white folks, are scared, confused, and waking up to a world that has just become starkly real. Suddenly, you find yourselves the hunted, the marginalized, and are realizing that you cannot save us—Black, Indigenous, and other people of color—because, truthfully, you haven’t yet saved yourselves.

“But that’s okay. Rest assured, you will make it through this. And the answer, as it has always been, lies in community.

“When you see the joy and resilience of Black people or the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island, what you’re witnessing is the wisdom that we not only survive but thrive. That is the energy I want to guide you toward.”

— Desireé B Stephens

I have been following Desireé for a while, for anti-racism and decolonization work. Here is the link to her “100 days of community” invitation.